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Kenyan Gen Z Protestor Who Ate MPs' Lunch after Invading Parliament During Protests Claims His Life Is in Danger

Kenyan man recorded feasting MPs lunch during Finance Bill protests shares update about his life. Photo: delamiomfinez. Source: TikTok

A young man named Delamio Mfinez1 became a central figure after an unusual incident at the country's parliament in a recent protest against Kenya's Finance Bill 2024.

The protests, held on June 25, 2024, were marked by demonstrators breaching the parliament building in Nairobi.

Delamio, identifiable by his Manchester United jersey, was among those who entered the parliament grounds during the protest.

What set him apart was a video that quickly went viral on social media. In the footage, he and several others were seen sitting down to eat rice that had been prepared for Members of Parliament (MPs). The scene, captured on TikTok, showed them enjoying the meal without using any utensils.

The protest itself was part of widespread opposition to the Finance Bill 2024, which had stirred controversy across Kenya. The bill proposed changes to the country's financial policies, prompting public demonstrations and heated debates.

As tensions escalated, protesters took their grievances directly to the parliament, resulting in the breach and subsequent chaotic scenes.

Following his unexpected fame on social media, Delamio took to TikTok again to share a troubling update.

He expressed concerns for his safety, claiming that he was being pursued by authorities. In a video message, he revealed, "They have sent people after me. I don't know if it's the police or who. I am in a safe spot right now, but I am still on the run. I hope things will be alright."

His plea on social media sparked a range of reactions from netizens. Some offered advice, urging him to lay low and avoid using his phone to evade detection.

Others criticized the risks associated with his actions and questioned the legality of breaching parliamentary security.

The incident also highlighted broader issues surrounding public protests and civil disobedience in Kenya.

While some viewed Delamio's actions as symbolic of public frustration, others raised concerns about the consequences of such direct actions against government institutions.

In addition to the controversial meal incident, videos emerged showing protesters carrying items allegedly taken from the parliament building.

These visuals added fuel to the online discourse, with social media users debating the ethics and implications of such acts during protests.

The Kenyan government has not issued an official statement regarding the incident or Delamio's claims. Meanwhile, public interest in the Finance Bill protests remains high, with ongoing discussions about its potential impact on the country's economic policies and public dissent.

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