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Torched Cars And Smashed Windows: Aftermath of Damage to MP Kuria Kimani's Home

On June 25, 2024, a mob of demonstrators targeted his property, leading to a series of destructive acts.

The incident, driven by discontent over new tax measures, saw Kuria’s home turned into a scene of chaos and loss.

Kuria, who heads the National Assembly’s Finance and Planning Committee, found himself at the center of public outrage due to tax reforms that many Kenyans feel are excessively burdensome. This unrest culminated in a direct attack on his rural estate, which included both arson and looting.

The damage to Kuria’s home is extensive. Three of his vehicles were destroyed; two were set ablaze, and the third was heavily vandalized.

The mob also caused severe damage to the mansion itself, smashing windows and causing structural damage.

Videos shared online reveal the aftermath: broken glass, scorched vehicles, and debris strewn across the property.

The protests did not just stop at property damage. The demonstrators also targeted the livestock on Kuria’s estate.

Among the losses were 10,000 chickens, six rare cows, and 29 goats. Some animals were stolen, while others died in a fire set by the protesters. 

Efforts to recover the stolen livestock were partly successful; three of the six rare cows, each valued at over 300,000 shillings, were found alive. Similarly, all 29 goats were eventually recovered.

The attack on Kuria’s home was a confrontation marked by fierce clashes between the protesters and the police.

As demonstrators attempted to force their way into the property, law enforcement officers used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Despite this, the protesters managed to cause considerable damage before additional police reinforcements arrived to secure the area.

In the aftermath, the scene at Kuria’s home reflects the intensity of the conflict. Charred remains of cars and broken windows stand as evidence of the violence that unfolded.

The home, now under tight security, symbolizes the tension surrounding the new tax policies and the public’s frustration with their implications.  

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