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Dear Kenyans & Well-Wishers, Help This Mother Who Has Been In Hospital Since 2014 Due To Lack Of Ksh 200, 000 For Medical Treatment; Here's Is Her Sad Story

In 2014, my family’s life took a drastic turn when my mother suffered an ischemic stroke, which severely damaged a part of her brain. Her health has been deteriorating ever since, and her condition has become increasingly alarming over the past few years. 

As the eldest of five siblings, the responsibility of supporting my family fell upon me, especially after we lost our father to a stroke in 2020. We have faced numerous challenges, but my mother’s health is the most pressing issue we confront daily.

My mother’s condition includes frequent and severe convulsions, along with debilitating headaches and episodes of temporary memory loss. These attacks strike suddenly, causing her to fall and sustain serious injuries. 

There have been several close calls where she nearly lost her life—once falling by the roadside and narrowly avoiding an oncoming vehicle, another time falling from a motorbike and hitting her head.

The most recent incident occurred just before I moved to Nairobi, Kenya, in search of work. She fell down a flight of stairs, hitting her head on a stone and almost losing her left eye. These episodes, now happening almost twice a day, are terrifying and pose a constant threat to her safety.

Despite her struggles, my mother has been the sole provider for our family since my father’s death. Her resilience is extraordinary, but her condition now demands immediate medical attention that we cannot afford.

The doctor has recommended an MRI to pinpoint the exact cause of her convulsions, alongside medication to manage her symptoms. The estimated cost for the MRI and subsequent treatment is Ksh 200,000—a sum that is beyond our financial reach.

In an effort to support my family, I moved to Nairobi, hoping to find employment. However, despite my relentless efforts, securing a job has proven challenging. The distressing calls from home about my mother’s worsening condition give me sleepless nights and deepen my anxiety and depression.

I am reaching out to kind-hearted individuals and communities for help. Your support can make a profound difference in my mother’s life. Any contribution, no matter how small, will bring us closer to securing the treatment she desperately needs. 

Please consider making a donation to support my mother’s medical care. 

Contributions can be sent via M-Pesa to +254 706104462, Martin Karanja. 

Your generosity will not only help alleviate my mother’s suffering but also give my family a chance to find hope and stability in these difficult times.

Martin Karanja is a devoted son living in Nairobi, Kenya, striving to support his family back in Uganda amidst their ongoing hardships.

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