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Kitui Man Who Beat His Mum To Death For Refusing To Give Him Ksh 500 Given To Her By Mourners as Condolence, Lynched By Mob

In a small village called Omogwa, something terrible happened. A young man named Wesley Ondieki did something very wrong. 
He hurt his own mother. It all started because of money. Wesley asked his mother for some money, but she said no. 

She had gotten the money from people who came to their house to say sorry after Wesley's dad passed away.

Wesley didn't like it when his mother said no. He got very angry. He didn't know how to control his anger. So, he did something very bad. 

He hurt his mother with a sharp thing. She got hurt very badly and couldn't live anymore. Wesley also hurt his sister. She got hurt too, but she didn't die.

After hurting his family, Wesley ran away. He was scared of what he did. But the people in the village were very angry at him. 

They wanted to make him pay for what he did. They found Wesley and they hurt him too. They hurt him so much that he couldn't live anymore. It was very sad.

The police came later, but it was too late. Wesley was already gone. His mother was taken to the hospital, but she couldn't be saved. 

She passed away because of what Wesley did. His sister was hurt too, but she was lucky to survive.

The village chief was very upset about what happened. He told the young people in the village to stay away from bad things like drugs. 

He also said that hurting someone is never okay. He wished that people didn't take the law into their own hands. He wanted them to call the police instead of hurting Wesley.

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