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RIP; Nyamira Boys High School Senior Teacher Ends Own Life After Losing Sh30,000 to Aviator Bet

The Nyamira Boys High School community is in mourning following the devastating loss of Kevin Omwenga, the Deputy Principal of the school. 

Omwenga, a 30-year-old educator, tragically ended his own life after losing a significant amount of money to a betting game known as Aviator.

The incident shook the Nyamira County when Omwenga was found dead in his rented house in the Nyaigwa area.

According to local authorities, he took his life on Wednesday night after losing Sh30,000 to the betting game.

Omwenga's absence was noticed by a concerned colleague who then reported it to the police. Upon arriving at Omwenga's residence, they found the door locked from the inside. 

After gaining entry, they discovered Omwenga's lifeless body hanging from the roof with a sisal rope. No suicide note was found at the scene.

This tragic event has left the school community and neighbors in deep sorrow. Many who knew Omwenga expressed shock as he had not shown any signs of distress or pressure leading up to his death.

The incident sheds light on the pervasive issue of gambling addiction, particularly among the youth in Kenya. 

With the rise of sports betting, many individuals are drawn to it in hopes of making quick money. However, as demonstrated by Omwenga's case, the consequences of excessive gambling can be devastating.

While some may experience financial gains through betting, the risks of addiction and significant losses are very real. The impact extends beyond the individual to their families, friends, and communities.

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