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"He Is Seeing The Light. He Is a Saul Who Has Now Become a Paul," Raila Responds on Whether He’ll Now Work With DP Gachagua

ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga made a striking comparison while discussing the possibility of working with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. 

Raila Odinga has endorsed the One-Man, One-Vote, One-Shilling clamour championed by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Speaking on the matter, Odinga remarked, "He is seeing the light. He is a Saul who has now become a Paul."

Odinga declared his support for the campaign seeking additional allocation of resources to the populous Mt Kenya region during a meeting with the Limuru III caucus led by Jeremiah Kioni.

Raila Odinga earlier stated that he has no interest in shaking hands with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.Odinga also denied that he is after a handshake with President William Ruto's government. "We have never talked about a handshake, that is a language coming from the other side," said Odinga.

”In devolution, we talked about equity in the sharing of resources. That means we take count of the number of people while sharing resources. Somehow it has been misrepresented as if it is discriminating against some parts of our country. Nothing could be further from the truth,” he remarked following a meeting at Chungwa House.

Odinga cited disparities with the government-funded bursary scheme under the Constituency Development Fund which he said favors some regions at the expense of others.

A section of leaders from the Mount Kenya region led by NARC Kenya Party Leader Martha Karua convened in Limuru in a gathering that saw them resolve to champion the One-Man, One-Vote, One-Shilling revenue allocation formula.

The proposal sparked a heated debate across the political divide pitting Deputy Gachagua against President William Ruto’s allies who have labeled him ethnically biased.

He said the ruling administration must address the cost of living adding that the matter was affecting all Kenyans. "This meeting agreed that the high cost of living is urgent and can't wait."

Gachagua has been on an onslaught to woo the Mount Kenya region to rally behind him calling leaders opposed to his campaign traitors.

Gachagua had also He termed the 2018 political truce between Raila and Uhuru as “a bad experiment” and “the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of Kenya for 60 years” while claiming that it was the reason behind stalled projects in Mt Kenya Ruto’s government inherited from the former administration.

President Ruto’s Chief Economic Advisor David Ndii, Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru and Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria have faulted the proposal noting other regions such as the coast contribute significant taxable revenue to the State compared to Mt Kenya.

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