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"I Lost Mum, 2 Brothers At The Same Time" Grief Coach, Rose Gichure Painfully Laments, Says This

Rose has experienced the deep pain of losing her parents and both of her brothers. These significant losses have shaped her path and given her a profound understanding of grief.

In 2011, Rose faced the devastating loss of one of her brothers. This tragedy marked the first time she felt truly overwhelmed by sadness. 

The sorrow from losing her brother was so intense that it led her into depression. This was a turning point in her life, where she began to deeply understand the nature of grief.

Grief is a powerful and complex emotion. It can make people feel lost and hopeless, especially after losing someone close. For Rose, the loss of her brother was not just a moment of sadness; it was a period of deep emotional struggle. 

Depression made it hard for her to find joy or purpose. The pain of losing a loved one can sometimes feel unbearable, and this was a reality Rose had to face.

Despite the darkness of her depression, Rose found a way to move forward. She decided to channel her experiences into something positive. She became a grief coach, using her personal journey to help others navigate their own grief. 

Rose’s decision to support others who are grieving shows her strength and compassion. She understands how lonely and difficult grief can be, and she wanted to offer a helping hand to those who are struggling.

Rose also started the Grief Angels Podcast. Through this platform, she shares stories, advice, and support for those who are dealing with loss. 

The podcast is a space where people can feel understood and less alone in their grief. Rose’s work with the podcast is an extension of her mission to provide comfort and guidance to others.

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