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"Hatutamweka Kwa Box" Njambi Koikai's Mum Speaks For 1st Time Since Daughter's Demise, Leaves Fans Puzzled

Njambi Koikai's mother recently spoke publicly for the first time since her daughter's death, sharing her grief and confusion about how to honor her memory. 

Njambi, a well-known media personality and advocate for endometriosis awareness, passed away, leaving many in mourning. Her mother’s heartfelt words have touched many, but also left some fans confused.

Speaking to content creators, Njambi’s mother expressed her deep sorrow and the difficulty of coming to terms with her daughter’s passing. 

She described the experience as incredibly hard, but emphasized the need to stay strong despite the pain. She acknowledged that Njambi was loved by many and that her loss was felt deeply by everyone who knew her. 

"This is a path we all must accept. I have been through a tough time, but there came a moment when I told myself to stay strong," she said.

In her speech, Njambi’s mother praised her daughter’s diverse talents and interests. She described Njambi as an "educated, talented lady who wore many hats," and emphasized that her daughter was much more than just a media personality. 

She listed Njambi’s various roles: a Christian, an artist, a politician, a reggae fan, and a Rastafarian. She said, "We will not confine Njambi in a box. 

Njambi is many things; she is educated, a Christian, an artist, a politician, a reggae fan, a Rastafarian, and mentor."

This description left some fans puzzled, wondering what her mother meant by not putting Njambi “in a box.” Some took it literally, thinking it referred to burial arrangements, while others understood it as a metaphor for Njambi’s multifaceted personality and interests. 

Fans responded with mixed reactions online. One user commented, “So they want to cremate her?” while another said, “Not in a box to mean she was a jack of many trades, not just one thing.”

Njambi’s mother also revealed plans for her daughter’s funeral, scheduled for Friday, June 14, at Lang’ata Cemetery in Nairobi. 

She asked fans and well-wishers to contribute towards the funeral expenses.The outpouring of love and support for Njambi has been overwhelming. 

Fans and friends have shared their memories of her, celebrating her as a brave advocate for endometriosis and a vibrant personality in the Kenyan media scene. 

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