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"Hajui Penye Tunatoka" Moses Kuria Criticises DP Gachagua Face-to-Face As William Ruto Watches

A significant political moment unfolded at the Annual Akorino Conference in Nakuru County on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria used the occasion to openly criticize Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua in front of President William Ruto and other senior government officials.

During the church service, Kuria expressed strong disapproval of Gachagua's ongoing push for Mt. Kenya unity.

He argued that such efforts could lead to tribalism, which has been a severe issue in Kenya's past.

Nakuru County, in particular, has a history of ethnic violence, and Kuria emphasized the need to avoid repeating these mistakes.

Kuria’s remarks came as a surprise to many, given the presence of top leaders, including President Ruto.

He stated that debates on tribal unity should be avoided, especially in Nakuru, where the scars of past conflicts are still felt.

He warned that such divisive politics could undo the progress made towards national unity and peace.

"Those who do not know where we have come from might not know where we are going," Kuria said during his speech.

He stressed that Nakuru, a region marked by ethnic tensions in the past, should not become a ground for tribal politics again. His message was clear: Kenya should focus on unity rather than division.

Kuria’s criticism did not stop there. He accused Gachagua of undermining the Kenya Kwanza Alliance government, which they had all worked hard to establish.

According to Kuria, it was contradictory for leaders to begin internal conflicts after forming the government. "Our people fought hard for this government.

We would be foolish to let others come and take away what we have built together," Kuria added, using a metaphor to suggest that abandoning their coalition now would be like leaving a home during harvest time.

The clash between Kuria and Gachagua signifies a growing tension within the Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Recently, Ruto’s allies have increasingly isolated Gachagua over his focus on Mt. Kenya unity, accusing him of stirring tribalism.

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