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Don’t Burden Kenyans & We Are Watching Na Hatutakubali Tena - Kikuyu Council of Elders Warns Mt. Kenya MPs Against Passing Ruto’s Finance Bill 2024

In a strong message to Members of Parliament from the Mt. Kenya region, the Kikuyu Council of Elders has voiced its opposition to the proposed Finance Bill 2024.

The council, led by its chairman Wachira Kiago, held a meeting in Kiambu on June 2, 2024, where they warned that the bill, if passed, would impose significant hardships on Kenyans already struggling in a tough economic environment.

The elders’ main concern is that the Finance Bill 2024 will introduce new taxes that will increase the cost of living for ordinary citizens. 

One of the most contentious points is the proposed 2.5% motor vehicle tax, which has already caused an outcry among car owners and the public transport sector.

Additionally, the bill includes taxes on digital marketplaces and goods supplied to public entities, which could further strain businesses and consumers alike.

“We ask our leaders from Mt. Kenya not to pass this bill,” said Kiago. “Experts have explained the implications of the Finance Bill, and it is clear that it will burden Kenyans. Our people are already finding it difficult to make ends meet. The leaders who were elected are expected to solve these issues, not add to them.”

The Kikuyu Council of Elders stressed that all Kenyans, not just those from Mt. Kenya, are watching how their MPs will vote on this bill. The council warned that they would hold their representatives accountable if they support legislation that negatively impacts their constituents.

“We do not want to hear excuses later that the bill was not read properly, as happened last year,” Kiago added. “We have advised our people to watch closely. If our MPs pass this bill, they will be seen as traitors to our community. We will not accept this betrayal.”

The council also expressed support for Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's one-man-one-vote-one-shilling campaign, which they believe is crucial for the region's fair representation and resource allocation. 

They criticized leaders from the region who oppose this agenda, labeling them as enemies and traitors who are more interested in their political gains than in the welfare of their community.

The Finance Bill 2024 is part of the Kenya Kwanza government’s plan to increase tax revenue. However, the proposed measures have been met with widespread opposition due to their potential to exacerbate the financial struggles of many Kenyans.

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