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"Hatukuwa Tukiona ile Unapigania. Am Sorry Baba" Kimani Ngunjiri Begs Raila Odinga For Forgiveness; Regrets Criticising Him

Ex-Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri said he now understands Raila Odinga's call for equity. Photo: Kimani Ngunjiri.
Source: Facebook

Former Bahati MP, Kimani Ngunjiri, has publicly expressed regret for his past criticism of veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga. 

In a heartfelt plea for forgiveness, Ngunjiri acknowledged his newfound understanding of Odinga's calls for equitable resource distribution, admitting, "Hatukuwa Tukiona ile Unapigania. Am Sorry Baba."

During a recent interview on Vyvez Radio, Ngunjiri opened up about his change of heart towards Odinga, stating that he now comprehends the broader implications of Odinga's advocacy for fairness. 

Ngunjiri, who previously supported the controversial "one man, one vote, one shilling" revenue allocation formula, recognized that the issue extends beyond the confines of the Mt Kenya region.

Highlighting the plight of minority groups receiving preferential treatment from the government, Ngunjiri aligned himself with Odinga's stance on the unfair distribution of resources nationwide. 

He emphasized that Odinga's fight for equity resonates with his own concerns about resource allocation, acknowledging, "When he says the bread is not being shared equally, it is the same thing we are saying about the people from the mountain and other regions."

Ngunjiri's plea for forgiveness comes amidst a broader reconciliation effort within the political landscape of Kenya. Previously, Ngunjiri had been part of a faction within the larger Kenya Kwanza coalition seeking to reconcile with former President Uhuru Kenyatta. 

Despite acknowledging past rifts within the ruling coalition, Ngunjiri attributed the conflicts to politics and emphasized the importance of reconciliation.

In his plea to Odinga, Ngunjiri expressed a desire for peace and unity, urging both parties to move beyond past grievances. 

He emphasized the need for forgiveness and reconciliation, stating, "I have forgiven the retired head of state and ask him to reciprocate if he wronged me."

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