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We Were Misled, We Attacked, and Shouted You Down. I Asked For Forgiveness, Did You Forgive Me? - DP Rigathi Gachagua Begs Uhuru Kenyatta

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has made a heartfelt plea for forgiveness from retired President Uhuru Kenyatta, admitting that he was misled into attacking and shouting down the former leader during political campaigns. 

Speaking at a public event in Limuru, Gachagua humbly acknowledged his mistake and asked for reconciliation.

"We were misled, we attacked, and shouted you down. I asked for forgiveness, did you forgive me?" Gachagua's words echoed with sincerity as he expressed remorse for his actions.

The Deputy President's public confession sheds light on the complexities and challenges faced within the political arena. By openly admitting his wrongdoing, Gachagua sets an example of humility and accountability for other leaders to follow.

In his speech, Gachagua emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity among leaders, urging his peers to refrain from repeating the same mistakes. 

He cautioned against being swayed by external forces seeking to sow division within the political landscape.

While Gachagua did not explicitly name those responsible for misleading him, his plea for forgiveness speaks volumes about the need for introspection and reconciliation within the political sphere. 

His willingness to take responsibility for his actions demonstrates a commitment to transparency and integrity in leadership.

The Deputy President's gesture of contrition comes at a crucial time for Kenya, as the country navigates its political landscape. 

By extending an olive branch to retired President Kenyatta, Gachagua signals a desire for healing and reconciliation within the Mount Kenya region.

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