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VIDEO: Damages As Protesters Stone Parliament Windows, Disarrange Seats After Accessing Parliament

Protests have erupted over the Finance Bill 2024, causing chaos near the Parliament Buildings in Nairobi. Demonstrators, unhappy with the proposed legislation, clashed with police as they tried to voice their disapproval.

The Finance Bill, which aims to introduce new financial regulations, has been met with strong opposition from Kenyans who fear it will harm their economic well-being. 

This discontent came to a head as protesters breached security barriers and stormed into the National Assembly. Reports from the scene described scenes of turmoil. 

Protesters vandalized parts of the Parliament Buildings, including the cafeteria, where some were seen eating after breaking in. Windows were smashed, seats damaged, and a fire broke out in one section of the National Assembly, adding to the chaos.

The situation escalated further when police attempted to disperse the demonstrators using tear gas and, reportedly, live bullets. This resulted in several injuries and casualties, with reports indicating multiple fatalities outside the Parliament.

Inside the legislative chambers, lawmakers were deliberating and eventually passed amendments to the Finance Bill, despite the ongoing unrest outside. This decision further fueled the anger of the protesters, who felt their voices were being ignored.

The protests also highlighted broader issues of public discontent with the government and its policies. 

Many Kenyans took to the streets not only to oppose the Finance Bill but also to express frustration with what they perceive as inadequate representation and consultation in the legislative process.

As tensions remain high, authorities are working to restore order in Nairobi. The clashes have drawn attention to deep-seated grievances over economic policies and governance in Kenya, with demonstrators demanding accountability and reconsideration of the Finance Bill.

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