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PHOTOS: Police Officer Loses Fingers, Injured, After A Teargas Canister Detonated In His Hands During Protests In The CBD

A police officer suffered severe injuries when a tear gas canister exploded in his hands during protests in the central business district (CBD). The incident occurred amidst escalating tensions between demonstrators and law enforcement.

The officer, whose identity has not been disclosed, was reportedly handling crowd control during the protest when the tear gas canister detonated unexpectedly. 

This resulted in the officer losing several fingers and sustaining other injuries to his hands. Emergency responders quickly arrived at the scene and administered immediate medical assistance before transporting him to the nearest hospital for further treatment.

Protests had erupted earlier in the day, with demonstrators gathering to voice their concerns over recent government decisions. 

The situation intensified as clashes between protesters and police officers ensued, leading to the deployment of tear gas as authorities attempted to disperse the crowds.

Eyewitnesses described chaotic scenes as the protests unfolded, with sounds of sirens and chanting filling the air. 

Many bystanders expressed shock and concern upon witnessing the officer's injury, emphasizing the risks involved in handling crowd control devices during such volatile situations.

Authorities have since issued a statement urging calm and emphasizing the importance of peaceful protest. They have also launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the officer's injury to determine the cause of the tear gas canister explosion.

The incident has sparked renewed debate over the use of crowd control measures and the safety protocols in place for law enforcement officers during protests. 

Advocacy groups have called for greater transparency and accountability regarding the use of tear gas and other non-lethal weapons in such scenarios.

Meanwhile, colleagues of the injured officer have rallied together to show their support, describing him as a dedicated member of the force who was committed to maintaining public safety. 

Messages of solidarity and wishes for his speedy recovery have poured in from both within the police department and the wider community.

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