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"Ni Mrembo" Rasta Man Suspect Flirts With Female Cop Who Arrested Him In Nairobi Court, Stuns Magistrate

A recent court session in Nairobi turned unexpectedly humorous when a man on trial attempted to woo a female police officer who had arrested him. The incident occurred on Monday, June 10, 2024, during a hearing concerning his case.

The suspect, described as a man with dreadlocks, appeared more interested in the officer standing beside him than the legal proceedings. 

A video shared online captured his unusual behavior, where he was seen whispering to the officer and making comments about her looks.The courtroom scene unfolded with the man unable to take his eyes off the female officer. 

Ignoring court decorum, he leaned in and whispered to her, prompting the officer to instruct him to be quiet. Despite her warnings, the man continued his attempts to converse with her.

When the magistrate, noticing the distraction, questioned the suspect, he openly admitted he hadn’t heard anything because he was talking to the "beautiful lady" beside him. 

This candid confession brought laughter to the courtroom, breaking the typically stern atmosphere of such proceedings.

The suspect went on to negotiate with the magistrate for a reduced penalty, claiming he couldn’t afford the current bail amount due to the tough economic times. 

He argued that his appearance often led to him being mistaken for a criminal, mentioning that police frequently target him because of his dreadlocks. He even suggested that the arresting officer would have apprehended him on the street just based on his looks.

The man's light-hearted approach, including his casual comments and attempts at humor, momentarily eased the tension in the courtroom. However, his flirting did not alter the magistrate’s stance on his case.

This event adds to the collection of unusual courtroom moments that capture public interest, showing how human behavior can sometimes bring unexpected levity to otherwise grave situations.

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