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Netizens Amused By Protestors Captured Serving Themselves Food In The Parliament Cafeteria After They Breached Inside

In an unexpected turn of events, a group of protesters entered the national parliament and helped themselves to food in the building's cafeteria. This unusual incident took place after the protesters breached security and forced their way into the parliamentary complex.

The breach occurred around noon when demonstrators, gathered outside parliament for several days, managed to break through security barriers. They had been protesting against a recent government decision that many viewed as unfair. 

The group, consisting of about 200 people, pushed past guards and entered the parliament building.Once inside, the protestors spread throughout the facility, including the main hall and office areas. 

Despite initial attempts by security to contain the group, they quickly overwhelmed the few guards present, forcing officials to retreat and focus on ensuring safety rather than confrontation.

One of the most unexpected developments during the breach was the occupation of the parliament cafeteria. A group of about 50 protestors made their way to the cafeteria, where they began serving themselves food. 

They opened refrigerators, grabbed trays, and took various items from the buffet and counters. The protestors were seen eating and even sharing food with each other.

The cafeteria staff, caught off guard, had already evacuated or hidden in secure areas, leaving the facility unmanned. Some protestors reportedly joked about having a "free meal on the government" as they enjoyed sandwiches, salads, and drinks available in the cafeteria.

Authorities reacted swiftly to the breach. Police were called in, and additional security forces were deployed to the parliament. By the time law enforcement arrived, the protestors had already been inside for about an hour. 

A few officers attempted to negotiate with the leaders of the group to leave peacefully, emphasizing the legal repercussions of their actions.

During the standoff, parliament members and staff remained locked in their offices or secure rooms, following emergency procedures for such incidents. 

Some parliament members criticized the slow response from the security team and demanded an investigation into how the breach occurred so easily.

Eventually, police and security forces regained control of the building. Protestors who were still in the cafeteria and other parts of parliament were escorted out. 

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