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Help Save My Mother from Debilitating Seizures - Your Support Can Make a Life-Saving Difference "Amekaa Kwa Hii Kitanda Ya Hosi For 10 Years"

Dear Updater Team write this ifikie Wakenya;

Hello fellow Kenyans,

Despite her resilience, these seizures have led to terrifying incidents. From near misses with passing cars to dangerous falls, including one down stairs that nearly cost her vision, the danger is real and constant.

As the eldest of my siblings, I moved to Nairobi seeking work to support my family. However, despite relentless efforts, I have struggled to secure employment. This financial strain, coupled with the constant worry for my mother's deteriorating health, has taken a toll on me mentally and emotionally.

Recently, a doctor recommended an MRI scan and medication to manage her condition, but the cost is beyond our means. We urgently need Ksh 200,000 to proceed with her treatment, ensuring her safety and wellbeing.

I humbly appeal to your kindness and generosity. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives. Together, we can bring hope and relief to my mother and our family.
To support, please send your donations to my M-Pesa number: +254 706104462, Martin Karanja.

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