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Drama As Kenyans In Washington DC, USA Hold Protests Against Finance Bill Outside Kenyan Embassy

Carrying signs and chanting slogans, the protesters urged the Kenyan government to reconsider the bill, which they believe will negatively impact many Kenyan citizens.

The Finance Bill 2024 proposes new taxes and changes to existing financial regulations in Kenya. Critics argue that these changes will burden the middle and lower-income groups, making it harder for them to afford basic necessities. 

The bill has faced opposition within Kenya, but the protest in Washington DC highlights how the issue resonates with Kenyans living abroad.

One of the main issues raised by the protesters is the introduction of a digital services tax. They argue that this tax will increase the cost of using digital platforms, which many Kenyans rely on for business and communication. 

Additionally, the bill proposes increased taxes on essential goods. Many protesters believe this will lead to higher prices for basic items like food and fuel, making life more difficult for ordinary Kenyans. 

They expressed concerns that the bill could deepen economic inequality, with the most vulnerable groups bearing the brunt of the new tax measures.“Back home, people are already struggling to make ends meet. 

This bill will only make things worse,” said Jane Mwangi, a Kenyan resident in Washington DC. “We are here to send a message to our government that they need to listen to the people and rethink these measures.”

Another protester, Samuel Otieno, emphasized the need for more inclusive decision-making. “It feels like the government is not considering the real impact on the everyday Kenyan.

We need policies that support economic growth and help those in need, not measures that make life harder.”

The protesters called on the Kenyan government to engage in more dialogue with citizens and consider their feedback before finalizing the bill. 

They urged lawmakers to explore alternative ways to boost the economy without placing additional burdens on the population.

“We want the government to find better solutions that do not harm the people they are supposed to serve,” said Aisha Mohamed, another participant. “There are many ways to grow our economy without imposing heavy taxes on those who can least afford it.”

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