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Chaos As NTV Cameraperson, Maureen Mureithi, Sustain Injuries After Being Hit By A Police Water Cannon

In Nairobi's city center, protests turned chaotic as clashes erupted between demonstrators and police over a contentious finance bill. 

The streets echoed with shouts and the sting of teargas as protesters rallied against proposed tax hikes. Among them, journalist Maureen Mureithi, part of NTV's camera crew, found herself injured by a police water cannon. 

Her colleagues rushed to her aid on Cardinal Otunga Street, highlighting the risks faced by reporters covering such volatile events.The unrest unfolded as police confronted activists who had gathered despite orders to disperse. 

Teargas filled the air as officers chased down protesters, leading to several arrests. The tense atmosphere reflected deep public opposition to the finance bill, which includes measures like a proposed VAT increase on essential goods.

Meanwhile, well-known activist Hanifa Farsafi was among those arrested during the protests. Farsafi, a prominent voice against the bill, was apprehended in Nairobi's CBD, adding to the turmoil as authorities sought to contain the demonstrations.

The bill itself has been a lightning rod for criticism. Initially proposing tax hikes on items like bread and fuel, it sparked fears of increased living costs for ordinary Kenyans. 

However, amidst the turmoil, there have been developments: the Parliament's Finance and Planning Committee scrapped the proposed 16% VAT on bread and reduced other levies, aiming to alleviate economic strain on consumers.

The clashes in Nairobi CBD also prompted a ban on protests by the Nairobi Police Boss, setting the stage for further confrontations between authorities and demonstrators advocating against the bill's implications.

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