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Beb Am Dying Because Of You! - Suspected Chicken Thief Cries While Being Lynched; Says Girlfriend Threatened To Dump Him If He Fails To Give Her Ksh 7K For Salon

A suspected chicken thief was on Saturday evening lyched by an enraged mob in Maranyona, Siaya County.

This is the latest incident to happen within the quite characteristic village within a span of six months.

The suspect was forced by the infuriated locals to reveal the location of the theft but before he could do so he was subjected to mob justice, subsequently dying as a result.

Area chief identified only as Obune, said their statistics show up to ten people are lynched after six months in the area, which he termed as alarming.

He stated that the suspect was cornered by area residents while en route to sell them in Wichlum.

During the melee, the suspect pleaded the enraged mob saying he was dying because of his girlfriend who threatened to abandon him if he failed to provide her with ksh 7000 for Salon.

“Lynching of suspects is criminal and not allowed. Those who arrest suspects should hand them over to authorities,” he said.

Police discourage mob lynching and warn those caught in the act will face serious charges.No arrest has been made over the weekend incident amid the ongoing probe.

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