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"Alikuwa Anangoja Tu Pesa" Kajiado Mum Concerned After Daughter-in-law Failed To Mourn Son's Death

Njeri claims that her daughter-in-law, whom she suspects married her son for financial gain, showed no signs of mourning after his tragic death in Limuru Dam.

Anne Njeri Mwangi once lived a prosperous life, with properties spanning from Kenya to the United States. Her son, who managed her U.S. properties, was the joy of her life. 

She was initially excited when he announced his plans to marry and start a family. However, Njeri was skeptical about his choice of wife, fearing that she was more interested in the family's wealth than in building a life with her son.

Njeri recounted an incident when her son mentioned someone pressuring him to smuggle items to Djibouti. "He came home very upset one day, saying someone wanted him to smuggle things to Djibouti. 

He wanted to expose them, but I warned him that talking about it might put him in danger," she recalled. Sadly, two weeks later, her fears were realized when she received a devastating call from a relative informing her of her son's death.

Her son's body was found in Limuru Dam, and Njeri believes there was foul play involved. "The dam isn't deep enough to cause such a tragedy. 

Even a bicycle can be retrieved from it, let alone a grown man in a vehicle. My son didn’t drink alcohol, so I find it hard to believe he ended up in the dam accidentally," she lamented.

What added to her grief was the lack of mourning from her son's wife. According to Njeri, her daughter-in-law showed no genuine sorrow after her husband's death. "She never visited or mourned him. 

The only time I saw my grandson was when he fell ill and was brought to me for prayers," Njeri said. This behavior reinforced Njeri's belief that her daughter-in-law was more interested in the family’s wealth than in the man she had married.

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