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4 Men Who Gang-raped Their Nairobi Neighbour's 14-Year-Old Daughter From Midnight Till Daybreak, Jailed For 30 Years

Four men have been sentenced to 30 years in prison for the gang-rape of a 14-year-old girl in Nairobi. 

The incident occurred in the Laini Saba area of Kibera, highlighting the urgent need for justice and protection of vulnerable individuals.

The ruling, delivered on Monday, June 3, 2024, by Kibera Law Courts Principal Magistrate Zainab Abdul, marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of justice for the victim.

The court found the prosecution's evidence to be compelling, proving beyond doubt the culpability of the four individuals in the heinous crime.

During the trial, testimonies from nine prosecution witnesses shed light on the events that transpired on the eve of the new year in 2022. 

These testimonies, coupled with exhibits presented in court, firmly placed the perpetrators at the scene of the crime.

The convicted individuals—Emmanuel Mutemi, Kennedy Irungu, Peter Mwaura, and Ben Thuo—now face the consequences of their actions, serving a lengthy prison sentence for their egregious offenses. 

According to the victim's account presented in court, she was returning home from a church service to welcome the new year when she was accosted by the four men.

Despite her attempts to escape, she was overpowered and taken to a nearby abandoned mud house, where the harrowing ordeal unfolded.

Throughout the night, the perpetrators subjected the young girl to unspeakable acts of violence, taking turns to defile her until daybreak.

Despite the fear and trauma she endured, the victim bravely identified her assailants, recognizing them as individuals from her neighborhood.

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