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Huyu Ni Mwanaume: Kenyans Left Talking After Police Hubby to Sheila Wagesha Speaks While Defending Her During Burial

On May 29, 2024, the burial of the beloved Ohangala dancer Sheila Akeyo, also known as Wagesha, took place amid a cloud of sorrow and curiosity. Mourners gathered to bid farewell to Sheila, whose untimely death has left many questions. Her husband, Sergeant Samwel Odoyo Jalang'o, took center stage to address the crowd, delivering a heartfelt and composed speech that has since sparked conversations across Kenya.

Sergeant Jalang'o began his address by asserting his innocence in the ongoing investigation into Sheila's death. He stated firmly that if he were involved in any illegal activities, he would not have been able to bring Sheila's body to the burial site. This declaration aimed to dispel any rumors and reassure mourners of his integrity.

"I believe that DCI Athi River is doing their best to ensure the suspect doesn't escape justice," Jalang'o said, expressing his confidence in the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI). He chose not to delve into the specifics of the case but assured everyone that the authorities were diligently working to find the truth.

Jalang'o also touched on the complexities of their marriage, acknowledging that they had faced numerous challenges. He emphasized the importance of men stepping up in their roles within the family. "Issues do happen in marriage, and men should behave like men because they're not ordinary creatures; that's why they're head of families," he remarked. This statement highlighted his belief in the unique responsibilities men hold in a household.

In his speech, Jalang'o underscored the value of appreciating women. He noted that women play a crucial role in the success and stability of men. "Men should appreciate their women because they make us firm and succeed. No man can succeed without a hardworking woman," he added, paying tribute to the essential contributions of women in their lives.

Despite the difficulties he and Sheila faced, Jalang'o highlighted their ability to communicate and co-parent effectively. He mentioned unresolved issues they had in Kisumu but chose not to provide further details, perhaps out of respect for their private struggles.

The video of Jalang'o's speech, shared by Lemiso Media House, quickly went viral, with many Kenyans expressing admiration for his composed demeanor and the respect he showed for his late wife. The phrase "Huyu Ni Mwanaume" (This is a man) has since become a talking point.

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