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"Alizikwa Na Nguo Ya Harusi" Embu Family Allegedly Hanted By Late University Kin, Speaks Out

Embu granny Edith Muthoni Muriithi in despair as she talks about her teenage granddaughter Stella Mukami. Photo: Starbizzy.
Source: Original

A family in Embu, Kenya, has shared a distressing account about their late relative, Stella Mukami, a young university student. 

They claim that Stella, who passed away due to cancer, has been haunting them since her burial. The unusual nature of her burial has left the family in turmoil.

Stella Mukami’s grandmother, Edith Muthoni Muriithi, revealed that Stella was buried in a wedding gown, a decision made by her educational sponsor. 

When Muthoni went to the mortuary to view Stella’s body, she was shocked to find her granddaughter already in a casket, dressed in what appeared to be a wedding dress. 

The sponsor explained that this was in line with their church's tradition of viewing death as a final wedding, and Stella had agreed to this attire.

The sight of Stella in a wedding gown, with her body appearing significantly aged and her eyes covered, deeply unsettled her family and friends. 

Muthoni recounted how many of Stella's schoolmates were so shocked by her appearance that they fainted during the viewing. 

The family was told that cancer had severely affected Stella’s appearance, but the change was still startling.

This experience has left Stella’s family feeling haunted and uneasy. They described how they could not reconcile the image of the vibrant young woman they knew with the altered figure in the casket. The haunting feeling has persisted among family members, adding to their grief and confusion.

Edith Muthoni shared that this situation has been very difficult for them to cope with, and they remain troubled by the events surrounding Stella’s burial. The unusual practice of burying her in a wedding gown has caused significant distress, making it hard for the family to find peace.

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